Rick and Vicki James were presented with the highest honor which a Governor of Indiana can bestow – the Sagamore of the Wabash Award.  It is given to citizens of Indiana who have demonstrated wisdom, public commitment, and concern for the well-being of others.  Rick and Vicki demonstrate their faith and dedication to their community each day by sharing not just funds, but knowledge and mentorship with citizens every day.

Mission Statement

The James Foundation believes that education is a lifelong journey and learning experiences should be made available to all. Through education, quality of life will be enriched; strengthening both families and community.

Founders’ Statement

The James Foundation was established by Rick L. and Vicki L James in 2011. The Foundation formalized the philanthropy that both have practiced their entire lives and will leave a legacy of not only support for, but also encouragement for everyone to participate in making change. Believing that education and access to high quality educational opportunities from cradle to grave is the greatest equity maker, The James Foundation is working hard to learn, grow, and fund innovative ideas and endeavors that fall within its giving priorities.

The Foundation believes that it can have its greatest impact by supporting the organizations that have the passion, expertise, and dedicated staff and volunteers to successfully implement its mission.

Rick and Vicki believe that support for education and early childhood development can have great impact in helping persons to reach their full potential. This goal, coupled with a Christ-like attitude of caring and generosity, can lead to positive and lasting change in a person’s life.  In turn, this aids a community in improving its quality of life and place.

Maintaining and improving our natural environment, through the support of such groups as the National Parks Foundation, benefits youth and communities at large by providing awareness of our past and opportunities to preserve and improve these resources.

Since its beginning, The James Foundation has supported over 180 organizations with grants in excess of $100 million.  Its primary geographical focus is Northeast Indiana, but its support has included national organizations that are effective in impacting the Foundation’s goals.  Additionally, the Foundation awards four-year and two-year scholarships totaling approximately $100,000 annually to college-bound high school graduates as well as those advancing career opportunities through technical and trades degrees and certifications.